Imagine a Southern Nevada where we don’t just manage homelessness, but work to solve it.

We’re transforming the traditional shelter model by offering an all-in-one campus that addresses the root causes of homelessness through personalized care. Instead of costing the community, our approach helps everyone by creating pathways to stability and a more prosperous future for everyone.

We empower individuals to overcome barriers, achieve housing stability, and unlock their full potential for the good of the entire region.


Revolutionize support for the unhoused with comprehensive, sustainable, and compassionate solutions.


A future where every person has access to safe, affordable housing and the resources needed to create a thriving, interconnected community.


Deliver trauma-informed, individualized services that leverage strategic partnerships to address the root causes of homelessness.

Girl playing in a jungle gym.

The many causes of homelessness require many individualized solutions all on one campus. We offer:

  • Case management
  • Medical, dental, and vision care
  • Mental health and substance use recovery services
  • Employment readiness programs
  • Housing placement and assistance
  • Veterans services
  • Educational and life skills classes
  • Basic necessities like clothing, food, hygiene supplies, and transportation assistance
  • Legal aid and advocacy
  • Childcare and family support services
  • Community integration and support
  • Outreach services for unsheltered individuals


residential beds


in capital investment over 3 years


annual operational expenditure



Campus for Hope isn’t just aspirational. It’s based on proven results from forward-thinking efforts around the country.

Haven For Hope

Mission Statement

To offer a place of hope and new beginnings by providing, coordinating and delivering an efficient system of care for people experiencing homelessness in San Antonio.

Location: San Antonio, Texas

Year Opened: 2010

Community Partners: 157 (57 on-campus)

Clients Served: 5,771 per year (40,000 total over lifetime)

Residential Beds: 1,094


reduction in homelessness in downtown San Antonio


of Haven for Hope graduates remain in housing after 1-year.


in benefits for every $1 spent on Haven for Hope.

Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida

Mission Statement

To transform the lives of homeless men, women and children by providing crucial services to end their crisis of homelessness.

Location: Orlando, Florida

Year Opened: 1987

Clients Served: 2,126 per year

Residential Beds: 290


individuals per day served by residential programs and community initiatives


program participants placed into permanent housing


Rate of homelessness per 10,000 in Orange, Osceola and Seminole counties, lower than both the Florida and US average.

Central Arizona Shelter Service

Mission Statement

To prevent and end homelessness among individuals and families while advancing compassionate community solutions.

Location: Phoenix and Glendale, Arizona

Year Opened: 1984

Clients Served: 6,658 per year (40,000 total over lifetime)

Residential Beds: 60

Apartment Units: 30


bed nights provided to 5,051 people


clients created a housing plan


clients utilized rapid re-housing, eviction prevention and financial support services

Star of Hope Mission

Mission Statement

A Christ-centered community dedicated to meeting the needs of homeless men, women and their children. Positive life changes are encouraged through structured programs which focus on spiritual growth, education, employment, life management and recovery from substance abuse.

Location: Houston, Texas

Year Opened: 1907

Clients Served: 1,000 per day

Housing Units: 187 on-site permanent supportive units

Onsite Services: Healthcare clinic, food market, family services


nights of safe shelter provided


meals served


necessities provided

Human Services Campus

Mission Statement

Using the power of collaboration to create solutions to end homelessness.

Location: Phoenix, Arizona

Year Opened: 2005

Community Partners: 15 on-campus (plus other non-profits in the county)

Clients Served: 12,180 per year

Residential Beds: 1,094


individuals connected to permanent housing


individuals prevented from becoming homeless


people gained and maintained quality employment ($15.94 average pay per hour)

Nevada Cares Campus Washoe County

Mission Statement

To help people find a path out of homelessness and achieve recovery, health, and financial stability. 

Location: Reno, Nevada

Year Opened: 2021

Clients Served: 10,614

Residential Beds: 600+


participants placed in permanent housing


point decrease in recidivism rates within six months of being housed

Our Partners

A community-wide problem requires a community-wide solution. Campus for Hope’s efforts are made possible by the generous support of many organizations and individuals.

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Caesars Entertainment Logo
Raiders Logo
Wynn Logo

Frequently Asked Questions

How will Campus for Hope be funded?

Campus for Hope will be funded through a combination of public and private investments. NRS 231.3711 provides matching funds of up to $100 million for the development of the project and up to $15 million annually for its operations based on regional support and participation.

Who will benefit from the services provided by Campus for Hope?

Campus for Hope will primarily serve the homeless population in Southern Nevada, including individuals, families, youth, veterans, and those with mental health or substance abuse challenges.

Where will Campus for Hope be located?

Agreements for the exact location and details of the facilities are being finalized and will be announced soon.

How long can clients stay at Campus for Hope?

At Campus for Hope, our goal is to provide shelter for our clients while they work on an action plan with our support to obtain permanent housing. Their active commitment and participation with the goal directly influences how long they will remain here.

Questions? Please contact us at

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